KeplerDAO alpha token (aKEEPER) pre-sale

5 min readNov 7, 2021


Hello KEEPers,

Thank you for participating in our vision and empowering the community. To kick-start the liquidity flywheel of the Kepler liquidity pool which completely resides in the hands of the community, we’ve decided to conduct a pre-sale of aKEEPER tokens through Discord which reflects our ideologies.

For the inception of our liquidity bonding pools, we want as many people as possible to participate AND we want to incentivise project evangelists in a design choice that reflects long-term commitment to the community.

Let’s KEEP this to the point. Ready? Let’s go.

  1. We’ll be offering aKEEPER tokens in the pre-sale that would be held for the whitelisted members starting Nov 15/1200 UTC to Nov 17/1200 UTC. If you’re on the whitelist and didn’t end up purchasing your tokens in this window, we won’t be able to help you. The next best option after this would be to purchase it from the public sale :(
  2. Each whitelisted member (we’ll come to this in a bit) will get an allocation which represents the max value of aKEEPER tokens that they can purchase in the pre-sale. The standard allocation amount is $500. You can purchase whatever amount you want that’s within your allocation, that’s totally up to you. The allocation will depend upon the role you assume in the community.
  3. Each aKEEPER would be offered at a initial community sale price (ICP) of $10/token
  4. aKEEPERs can only be redeemed 1:1 for KEEPER tokens, not sold or purchased to/from any pool before the treasury adds liquidity. This is to prevent secondary market swapping and any unforeseen price movements before we actually launch our own liquidity pool. So once you have your aKEEPER, just HODL till the pool opens on Sushiswap!

The allocation of aKEEPERs will follow a staggered allocation process details of which are as given below:

  1. The whitelist will be frozen and published along with allocations by Nov 14/1200 UTC (one day before the pre-sale starts)
  2. After the pre-sale is over on Nov 17, all unallocated number of aKEEPER tokens would be allocated to members who oversubscribed their original allocation on a FCFS basis with a max cap of $500 worth of aKEEPERs at the ICP.
  3. aKEEPERs would finally be airdropped on Nov 19/1200 UTC
  4. Any aKEEPERs still remaining unsubscribed would be Airdropped as rewards for lucky winners (jackpot) with an allocation of $250 by Nov 20/1200 UTC. Deadline to claim these would be Nov 21/1200 UTC.

A detailed example of how this would work is given here.

Before we jump onto the steps involved in making it to the whitelist, here is a very critical piece of information on who all are eligible to make it to the whitelist. Here’s where the roles come into play.

Roles in the Kepler Galaxy:

The Kepler Galaxy will consist of several roles over the course of time; of which we are starting with 3 for the pre-sale: (i) Orbiters, (ii) OG-Keplers and (iii) Johannes. For knowing more about the role descriptions, please check out the #announcements channel on Discord. Orbiters get a standard allocation of $500 (1x), OG-Keplers get a senior allocation (2x) and Johannes role holders get a super-senior allocation (4x).

The maximum number of roles that would be eligible for the whitelist would be as follows:

  1. Orbiters: one role per language community + contest winners as of Nov 10/1200 UTC
  2. OG-Kepler: 25% of the total number of members on the discord channel as of Nov 10/1200 UTC
  3. Johannes: 5% of the total number of members on the discord channel as of Nov 10/1200 UTC

So, let’s suppose there are 12 language communities, ~20 contest winners and 1220 members in the Discord channel as of Nov 10/1200 UTC, the max number of whitelist spots = 1*32 + 25%*1220 + 5%*1220 = 398 and the maximum fundraise from the IDO = 32*$500 + 305*$1000 + 61*$2000 = $443,000. At an ICP of $10, #aKEEPER tokens minted for sale would be 44,300.

More on the tokenomics of the tokens minted would be up in the coming official posts.

How to make it to the Whitelist (WL)?

The steps are super simple as follows:

  1. A Typeform would be floated on Nov 8/1200 UTC where each member on the Discord server would be requested for their wallet address and desired allocation in the whitelist (standard/senior/super-senior). The community has up until Nov 12/1200 UTC to send in their details through the form.
  2. All typeforms submitted will be reviewed and allocation given basis the tasks performed and eligibility criteria of each role — description on the Discord #announcements channel.
  3. The final reviewed whitelist along with roles/allocations would be made public on Nov 14/1200 UTC (one day before the pre-sale to allow for any queries/doubts).
Timelines for the IDO (a.k.a. TLDR)


Let us suppose out of a total maximum pre-sale corpus of 43.3k tokens, only 27.3k tokens (~$273k) get subscribed by the pre-sale deadline. The remaining 16k tokens remain unsubscribed. Now, let’s say the oversubscription had happened like this in the very same order according to time stamp:

  1. Alice had received an allocation of $500 but sent $750 to Kepler
  2. Bob had received an allocation of $1000 but sent $1700 to Kepler
  3. Charlie had received an allocation of $500 but sent $1800 to Kepler
    and so on…

After min($$sent, allocation) worth of tokens have been allocated to everyone on the whitelist, min($500/10, ($$sent - WL allocation)/10) would be added to the token balance of over-subscribers until tokens exhaust/over-subscriptions have been levelled.

Here’s how this will look:

  1. min($500/10, ($750 — $500)/10) = 25 aKEEPERs would be added to Alice’s allocated tokens
  2. min($500/10, ($1700 — $1000)/10) = 50 aKEEPERs would be added to Bob’s allocated tokens
  3. min($500/10, ($1800 — $500)/10) = 50 aKEEPERs would be added to Charlie’s allocated tokens

and so on up until we’ve exhausted 16k tokens on a FCFS basis/all over-subscriptions have been levelled.

Let us assume 2k tokens remain after taking care of over-subscriptions. These 2k tokens would be airdropped as rewards with a max cap of $250 to at most 20 lucky winners. Any tokens still unsubscribed would be burnt.

Join us on our very first Ask-Kepler session on Monday/Nov8 and Tuesday/Nov 9 on Discord where we would be answering all queries before the pre-sale. KEEP watching the #announcements channel for timings of the event!

Make love.


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Written by KeplerDAO

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