KeplerDAO — The best way to own a part of the future of Web3

12 min readJan 2, 2022


The following post was contributed by The Crypto Poet.

It’s not every day you get to be a part of a major technological revolution, so if you’re reading this, congratulations — you’re extremely early. Humanity’s next big technological advancement is simmering beneath the surface, almost ready to emerge. it’s called Web3 and anyone who understands what it is knows it’s the future of the internet.

The next decade will see seismic shifts in the way the internet and our society operates, and Web3 will be at the heart of it. From social networks to finance to gaming to the very way we interact with technology and the world around us, Web3 is set to usher in a smarter, more decentralised era of the internet. If you’re wondering how you can be an early investor of Web3, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you’re a crypto-enthusiast, an investor or just a curious passer-by, getting up to speed on what Web3 is and how to make the most of it is not something you will regret. Let’s dive in.

Investing in Web3

Being an early adopter or investor in Web3 is like getting a chance to buy a piece of the internet back in the 90s. But how exactly do you accomplish this for Web3? Thankfully, nowadays there are easier ways to invest than ever before. In fact, with highly accessible, community-led VC investment protocol’s like KeplerDAO, getting early exposure to a wide range of the best Web3 investments is possible in a single click.

Cryptocurrency, DAOs, Metaverse, NFTs — these phenomenons are not going away anytime soon, and what they all have in common is that they fall under the banner of Web3. All things considered, Web3 is likely to be one of the most rewarding and lucrative paths for those looking to capitalise on being early to one of the most important technological revolutions in history — which is why projects like KeplerDAO — the world’s first Web3 community investment protocol — should be on your radar.

What is KeplerDAO?

While KeplerDAO was originally based on OlympusDAO’s model, it has diverged sharply from the average OHM fork. In a nutshell, KeplerDAO gives investors the ability to own a piece of a diversified Web3 portfolio managed by a core team of VCs and Web3 experts. These experts are voted in by the Kepler community based on their expertise and ability to make sound investment decisions on early Web3 gems that are either yet to be launched or highly undervalued.

Kepler’s fund/investment vehicle aka SPV (special purpose vehicle) is essentially a diversified fund spread over the most promising projects from DeFi, Metaverse, NFTs and more. It’s a safe, risk-mitigated way to get exposure to Web3 without requiring the massive amounts of time and expertise needed to carry out the proper due diligence. Additionally, KeplerDAO also uses OlympusDAO’s revolutionary model to pay its holders passive income for staking and bonding the $KEEPER token, which is an added bonus to an already highly attractive service.

But before we dive into the reasons why KeplerDAO is the best way to get diversified exposure to the most promising Web3 projects out there, let’s take a quick look at what Web3 is for those who still haven’t gotten their head around it.

What is Web3?

Powered by blockchain technology, the central idea of Web3 is to take power from large corporations and put it back in the hands of the people. Think decentralisation, collaboration and transparency.

The vision is a human-centered internet built on a safer, fairer and more transparent internet powered by AI, blockchain and cryptocurrency. Communities and users create and own the networks and products they use online, and there is a level of privacy not afforded by the current Web2 model.

Web3 is a broad term that covers a number of new technologies, including artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cryptocurrency, blockchain, NFTs and community-led DAOs (Decentralised autonomous organisations), to name a few. But perhaps the best way to understand what makes Web3 so powerful is to contextualise it within the history of Web1 and Web2.

The history of the internet in 2 minutes

Web1: The early days of the Internet in the 1990s are known as Web1. The first iteration of the web was a revolutionary way to democratize access to information, but it was extremely disorganised and the search functions were very basic. Web1 was essentially a one-way platform where people could consume content on the Internet, but not create it.

Web2: Starting in the mid-2000s Web2 saw the rise of platforms like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter who brought some much needed order and functionality to the internet. With an emphasis placed on human and social interaction on the web, Web2 made it easy to connect and transact online, greatly expanding the content available for its users. It also introduced the notion of user-generated content, providing user-friendly publishing tools for anyone who wanted to create and share their own content.

However, while Web2 marked a huge step forward, corporations like Facebook and Google amassed far too much power, becoming our digital overlords without us realising. Although we can thank them for the rich user-experience and web design we enjoy today, a number of concerning issues have arisen from the success of Web2.

These include problems around privacy, selling personal data to advertisers, susceptibility to hacks, censorship, as well as too much power and wealth being concentrated in the hands of a very small group of people.

Web3: And this brings us to the present. The term “Web3” has been around for the past twenty years, but only very recently has it become a tangible reality that you can utilize and now invest in. Web3 is about taking the power back and allowing people, not corporations, to come together and steer the development of technology, while owning a share in the networks they participate in.

In Web3, social networks, search engines and marketplaces have no single entity controlling them (like Facebook or Google). Instead, DAOs (Decentralised autonomous organisations) are used to help communities achieve a shared goal in a unique and unprecedented way that looks beyond demographic barriers of age, financial status, gender or race.

Basically, Web2 was people building products in order to find community; Web3 is where communities build products together while owning a stake in the networks and products that they are a part of. Web3 apps will be smarter, safer and more decentralised.

While this is a brief introduction to Web3, we know that with any truly radical technological advancement, it can be hard to fully grasp its implications. One of the best ways to understand the significance of Web3 is by looking at some of the real-world benefits it is already bringing to the world.

Benefits of Web3

True ownership of information and data — Users will have complete ownership and control of their data. As it stands, companies like Facebook and Amazon control our data and openly sell it to advertisers for billions of dollars. Not with Web3. Thanks to the blockchain, your information is secure and not shared unless you want it to be.

Fewer Middlemen — Decentralization connects providers directly with consumers, meaning there’s no central authority to take a cut from a transaction or exchange. Blockchain allows people who have never met to do business safely, because they both trust the system.

Better apps, better search and a more personal experience — Web3 incentivises open-source innovation which will lead to dramatically better apps. Similarly, search engines and assistants like Siri and Cortana, as well as tailored advertising will be taken to the next level with the help of AI and the semantic web (improved language processing).

No central point of failure or control — Blockchain distributes data across a number of nodes, making it incredibly secure while ensuring that no single entity can control or harm a network.

Incentivize creators and innovation — Consumers and producers are put in direct contact, making it far easier to start a business or become a producer and earn money for adding real value to people’s lives.

Accessibility — Billions of people worldwide don’t have access to banking and financial services. This is a dire problem in need of a solution. With Web3 and cryptocurrency, anyone with an internet connection can now enjoy financial services and interact with a blockchain. Users will not be restricted on account of their income, geography, orientation or gender. Digital assets and applications are available to ANYONE with an internet connection, and will bank the billions of unbanked around the world.

Less service disruptions — With no single point of failure, service disruptions will be less common. Blockchain’s efficiency and security outperforms outdated centralised ways of storing data, and everyday users will enjoy the benefits.

Open & Transparent — Online networks and products will come from open-source software. Everything will be transparent to the public, meaning less shady business and more innovation. The days of corporations censoring information will also be challenged as communities come together to decide how networks should operate.

Connectivity & Ubiquity — Devices and services will begin to be connected in a whole new way. Think the Metaverse, the Internet of Things and a fully integrated social experience where platforms are all linked together in a smarter and more immersive way.

And much more — There are many more benefits to Web3 which will become clearer as the space matures and seeps into the mainstream. Grasping the gravity of the shift Web3 is like trying to predict what the internet would become back in the 90s. Still, big things are ahead and we want to give investors the chance to be a part of it before anyone else. Enter KeplerDAO.

How to invest in Web3

Now that you have an understanding of what Web3 is and why it will be the next big step in technology and finance, you’re probably wondering how you can invest in it. Well, you’re not alone.

Unfortunately, the truth for most investors is that getting a diversified exposure to the most promising Web3/crypto projects is not so easy. A LOT of expertise is required to evaluate a project let alone know about it before it is has launched and gone mainstream.

On top of that there are no shortage of shiny new projects which make lofty promises based on absolutely nothing but hype. Getting into a nascent sector is not simple, especially for those who are not veterans in the space — which is why projects like KeplerDAO are changing the game.

KeplerDAO — Web3 investing

Investors from all walks of life want a smart way to invest in the Web3 revolution, and KeplerDAO is trying to help facilitate that while building something sustainable, robust and community-led.

KeplerDAO seeks to invest the combined capital of the community into a wide selection of carefully chosen Web3 products ranging from NFTs to Metaverse to DeFi and much more.

Like OlympusDAO and other successful DAOs in the space, KeplerDAO owns its own liquidity and has a native token ($KEEPER) that is backed by real assets. However, Kepler is NOT your average OHM fork. Kepler harnesses decades of venture capital expertise, an unrivalled team of Web3 savants, staking/bonding elements of popular DAO models and the power of a loyal community to offer a unique way to own a part of the future of technology while earning passive income.

Similar to other DAOs, bonding is a way for our community to bootstrap and sustain liquidity without requiring external funds, however, our staking mechanism is very different to that of Olympus and other DAOs. Staking for us is a mechanism to get incentivised for building and holding liquidity which is essential for the functioning of the treasury. However, Kepler doesn’t actually use OHM’s model of rebasing through minting. Instead, it distributes profits that the SPV makes from its investments — a crucial divergence from the OHM model.

What exactly do investors get with KeplerDAO?

In its simplest terms: Diverse exposure to the most promising Web3 projects in a click of a button.

Most people don’t have the time or know-how to do their due diligence on Web3 investments, so Kepler does it for you. Not only do you get early access to some of the best projects and most promising hidden gems in the world of crypto, but by holding the $KEEPER token you will earn a very handy passive income off the rebase model popularised by the most prominent DAOs.

Reasons to invest with KeplerDAO

Simplicity — For new investors, this is a big one. Assuming you know what a mutual fund or ETF is, KeplerDAO offers something like this type of fund but with meticulously selected Web3 investments. It’s perfect for new investors who do not have the time and expertise to get exposure to the right Web3 projects. With Kepler, a truly diverse and well-researched Web3 portfolio is available in the simplest way the crypto-world has ever seen through its fund management team.

Safe & Trusted — KeplerDAO are one of the most talked about projects in the still very niche DAO space. They have been smart contract audited and the admins will be doxxed. No rug pulls here.

Unrivalled investment opportunities — Kepler’s treasury investments are managed by a carefully selected group of individuals elected by the community as the ones best placed to assess new projects and hidden gems. Kepler’s core team will likely be involved in the princess, and they are made up of consultants and finance veterans with a long and prolific history in the world of venture capital and entrepreneurship.

Not only do they have expertise that few protocols can claim, effectively giving investors unrivalled access to new, unknown projects, but the core team have chosen to leave some of the biggest consulting firms in the world to focus on Kepler and Web3, as for them, this is by far the most exciting and lucrative space to be in.

Multi-level diversification — Alone with diversification across different sectors, Kepler offers a form of intellectual diversification seen nowhere else. Simply put, five brains is better than one. Would you rather take a punt on a project that seems promising, or leave it up to a team of proven-veterans and experts who are backed by thousands of other community members and are wholly devoted to choosing the Web3 investments with the best chance at returns.

Explosive growth found nowhere else — We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again, this is NOT merely another OHM fork. Most OHM forks and investment funds either invest in stablecoins or very well-established crypto assets as a means to reliably back their token’s value. This brings stability but not the extraordinary growth that is possible within this space. Stability is critical for a protocol that is aiming to become a decentralized reserve currency, but for a community like ours seeking alphas from investment, our tokens need to chase growth multiples.

Passive income — By owning their own liquidity and taking advantage of staking and bonding strategies, Kepler offers holders of the $KEEPER token a very simple and attractive method of earning passive income. By taking the best parts of the most successful DAO models and creating our own unique lane, Kepler is able to create a virtuous economic flywheel which will greatly rewards its early adopters.

Choice of risk-level through double tap — One of Kepler’s unique selling points is its double tap feature, which you can learn more about here. This feature allows you to choose the risk level that suits your appetite and reap the rewards that come with the higher risk factor. Depending on your investment goals and risk-tolerance, KeplerDAO offers different risk levels to suit, which is incredibly empowering for potential investors.

Community — While some investors prefer to make decisions on their own, this is not Kepler’s ethos. Along with taking advantage of their core team’s expertise, they are striving to harness the power of their community. Community members get a chance to participate in active decision-making through a system of voting and governance on critical topics, make suggestions to the development of the protocol, as well as vote in people they think are up to the task of handling investment decisions.

Looking in, the loyal and forward-thinking community at Kepler is growing rapidly and attracting all the right kinds of people. As the project develops we will undoubtedly see more and more expertise join the Kepler team and augment their existing knowledge-base. With efficient coordination Kepler is uniquely placed to unlock the creativity and experience of its members in order to make the smartest, most well-informed investment decisions possible.

Who makes the investment decisions on behalf of KeplerDAO’s investors?

Great question. To get the kind of returns Kepler is looking for, you can’t have just any crypto-enthusiast making decisions on which projects to invest in.

At the heart of the Kepler protocol is the SPV which is essentially the fund which represents the market value of all the assets it holds. The SPV is managed by a fund management team (FMT). The FMT is a community governed and elected body that consists of a team of Web3 experts and venture capital veterans.

Initially, the core team will be best equipped to carry out the functions of the FMT and choose investments, however, if the community feels there are better candidates, they will have the power to vote in whoever they decide on. Each candidate will pitch to the community their expertise and why they are suitable for the role. They’ll be evaluated based on their performance for their term in office every 2–3 months.

While the exact investment choice has not yet come to fruition, with Kepler’s public launch occurring mid Jan, you can expect to learn more about allocations and the FMT very soon. For now, the best thing to do is to engage with KeplerDAO’s Discord, DYOR and decide for yourself if you want to take advantage of a simple way to gain exposure to Web3 while it’s still in its early stages.

The Future Awaits

A revolution is occurring and innovative community-led organisations like KeplerDAO are powering it. Being an early adopter through an investment vehicle like KeplerDAO is one of the safest and most effective ways to own a piece of Web3. Stay tuned. We have a wild ride ahead.

This article was written by The Crypto Poet.

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Written by KeplerDAO

Building the future of web3.0 VC investments with the community at its core. Join us on

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